• Sustainability & Excellence

    10 Transformational Business Models from moral perspective

    A connection between the SDGs and entrepreneurs is still missing in the ongoing discussion. How can they understand the SDGs for innovation and product/service development? And under which circumstances are their new products in line with human rights, social issues and environment? How can they prove, that their innovation is part of the solution and support SDGs.

    Start-Ups are bearing a huge responsibility, because their innovation should lead to products and services which are sustainable from the beginning. A new founding company should consider different aspects of sustainable development from the ground.

    There is no doubt, that the SDGs offers a wide range for innovation potential startups can use for creating a business model.
    But how should Entrepreneurs use this potential?

    9 Simplification of Management Systems

    Existing management systems like the Balanced Scorecard are complex and not seldom ineffective because at the end it is not a multidimensional management system but only a system of financial control. Otherwise most small and medium sized companies don’t have the resources to set up a management system fitting their expectations. Because of that small and medium size companies are not interested in these approaches. The aim of these paper is the development of a simple management process that allows to aggregate all the considerations in an individual management system aligned with existing approaches.